Me, Mogens, Joel and Maria are presenting on a TRB/OECD conference on travel time reliability in Vancouver. Lots of interesting things to hear. I'm happy to say, though, that Scandinavian reliability research seems to be well positioned compared to most of the rest of the world... The Dutch are also doing interesting things (first results from their national study of time and reliability valuation are due soon), John Bates were excellent as usual and Hani Mahmassani (U of Texas) presented at least 15 interesting observations and findings in a speech lasting less than 10 minutes... so I can't say I can fully explain everything, but I think it ought to be checked out.
Someone ought to write a paper called "Incorporating travel time variability in CBA - state-of-the-art and state-of-practice". There's a lot of unnecessary confusion out there regarding valuation, measures, forecasting, demand modeling etc.
My topic was "Reliability in Swedish CBA - state-of-practice and what needs to be done", and for those interested,
here are my slides (there's quite a lot of text on them, but it's intentional to make them a little more stand-alone...).
Update: All of the presentations can now be found